Welcome to the 2020/2021 school year!
Week 12
Well it looks like we are in for a rainy wet week. Please remember that we do go out at least twice daily for recess. Indoor shoes are a must for use in the gym.
It was great touching base with everyone last week during parent teacher interviews. I can't believe we are already in December. This will be a very busy month as I want to finish up a lot before the break.
This Friday is Tie Dye, Neon or Colourful Day!!
Language: This week we will be working on a fiction story called The Crow and the Fox.
We have started a new novel! The class asked for it and I found a pdf version that I can project for everyone to see, so we are reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. They are loving it! I am particularly excited by the vocabulary that it is exposing the class to!
Last week in writing we worked on a piece themed on talking to animals. I am loving the journal pieces I am seeing from the students. Their writing is improving with each entry!
Math: This week we will be focused on Multiplication! Last week we looked at multiplication as equal groups, repeated addition, skip counting and arrays. I am focusing on multiplication facts up to and including the five times tables.
Following the math plans set out by OCDSB. In December we will be looking at ordered pairs, co-ordinate grids, translations and coding.
Social Studies:
This week we be finishing up the different geographical regions of Canada. I am hoping to start the final project on this topic and to look at the provinces and territories in more detail.
We now have 3 indoor gym times on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We will continue with outdoor gym on Mondays. I will be adding Art and Dance to the Thursday Schedule. Extra socks and mittens as well as winter boots and snow pants are recommended to keep dry.
Health: This week we will look at the importance of Daily Physical activity.
Music The class has is currently working on a presentation for our virtual holiday concert. Unfortunately this year parents will not be able to see our presentation.
Art: This week in Art we will be continuing to lookat colour and value.
Contact: If you have any concerns or would like to meet with me, please call me at school or send me a note and we can arrange to speak at a time that is good for both.
If you leave a message for me on the phone system be aware that I will probably not return if until the following day. These messages come to me as an email and I can not listen to them from my computer at school as the speakers are not functioning. Also, we no longer have telephones with an outside line in the classrooms, this means I can only call on break if the phone in the office is not being utilized. That being said if it is an emergency please speak directly to Donna or Sandra in the office.
The school number is (613)521-5922.
My email address is peggy.macleod@ocdsb.caLooking forward to a fantastic year!!
Peggy MacLeod